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夏皮罗是伊甸园露台的一家专门的体育酒吧.  由奥蒂斯·夏皮罗主持, 共同所有人, 热闹的酒吧提供经典, 美式运动酒吧体验. 大气酒吧与时尚的内饰和座位摊位, 满是体育大事记吗, large screens that will play all the most important games and fights as they happen and a delicious, diner-style菜单, 适合夏娃...


狐狸 is a refined English styled sports bar that offers great views of live sporting action and even better views of Auckland's beautiful Viaduct Harbour. Fox's Ale House greets you with a welcoming pub atmosphere serving up traditional English and Kiwi hearty dishes.  很容易在电视上观看体育比赛,有很多特别的家庭舒适, 你会回来的. 酒吧里...


2011年开业, 大象摔跤手 is a lively and spacious bar situated in the heart of Takapuna on Auckland's North Shore region. The bar features a beautiful courtyard complete with retractable roof that's a welcome option on those warmer days, 还有一个花园酒吧.  The extensive menu offers a selection of small plates and platters ideal for sharing, 意大利面和意大利烩饭, 质量 ...


Bridgehouse小屋好吗, 沃克沃斯的餐饮和活动场所选择, 奥克兰西北部.  It's a lovely great spot to soak up Warkworth's riverside ambiance while enjoying great food, 举办活动或过夜. ​The Bridgehouse小屋 is a piece of Warkworth history as the first building in Warkworth over 150 years ago.  外观...


成立于2005年, the Kingslander has been a permanent fixture in Kingsland since its life as a grain store in the early 19th century. Hearty food, daily specials and sports action are the main ingredients on offer. The bar offers three large televisions and seven plasma screens throughout the bar so you never miss the action on the field. 周四每天都有20美元的特价食品 ...


Located in the Viaduct in central Auckland the bar offers great food from local sources including Bluff oysters backed by a wine list that includes local and international varieties and beers that include international and craft selections. 一个伟大的选择比萨饼,牛排和鱼菜也提供. DJs play on several nights (typically Wednesday to Sunday) during the week and the ba...


流行的体育酒吧只有几分钟从矢量竞技场. Several rooms containing numerous TVs, a pool table, tiered seating and a great beer and wine menu. 理想的晚上与朋友外出. Always lively, 在帕丁顿 Sports Bar is the premier destination for locals who love their sport. 展示所有主要活动, 从一级方程式大奖赛到欧洲冠军联赛比赛, 这个酒吧完全 ...


爱国者酒吧位于美丽的海滨小镇德文波特, 距离奥克兰市中心只有12分钟的渡轮.  这家英国主题酒吧在德文波特是独一无二的, 提供高品质的食物在传统的英国酒吧设置. The large pub has an outdoor seating area to enjoy lunch and watch the hustle and bustle of Devonport life while inside there two floors and an outdoor court...


莎士比亚酒馆是新西兰第一家自酿酒吧,也是一家拥有10间客房的酒店.  Located downtown, the 100 year old pub is situated on the corner of Wyndam and Albert Street. This English style bar serves a range of beers including craft beers that are brewed on site and a decent selection of pub grub.  午餐时,你会被手工制作的莎士比亚披萨所吸引...


This traditional Irish pub has a cosy tavern-style interior that oozes character in the heart of Auckland's Newmarket suburb. 这家酒吧已成为当地人的最爱, 以其繁忙的活动日程和获奖的爱尔兰吉尼斯啤酒而闻名.  一周中大多数晚上都有组织的活动, with Thursday karaoke sessions and Wednesday pub quizzes just some of the regular highlights ...


桶客栈 is an irish bar located in east Auckland's Howick suburb with live music is on every Friday.  周一和周二午餐供应特价食品, 而周三的智力竞赛之夜则提供特色菜. The menu includes hearty pub fare with the likes of steak and Guiness pie and crispy fried chicken burger. 对于狂热的体育迷来说,酒吧展示了 ...


鸡笼角酒吧 is located right on the corner of the Viaduct Harbour with beautiful, 海滨的观点.  参观Coops的滑油, no-nonsense but also full of nonsense pub that you’ll be proud to call your local.  这是一个独一无二的地方,让人立刻有家的感觉.  期待新鲜、顶级的啤酒和美味、诚实的食物....


受欢迎的爱尔兰酒吧和餐馆,每周7天有现场音乐. 就在高架桥港的中心, 还有令人印象深刻的牛排菜单, 很棒的饮料和友好的餐桌服务. 营业到凌晨. 丹尼·杜兰餐厅是品尝新鲜的好地方, 当代奥克兰氛围, 最重要的是, 正宗爱尔兰蛤蜊! 每晚8点开始,都有常驻乐队的现场音乐表演.00点...

Doolan Brothers Newmarket

Bustling Irish bar in central Newmarket, a few minutes walk from the train station.  Great craic, live music, comprehensive menu and good, old-fashioned Irish hospitality. 周末忙. Doolan Brothers Newmarket是Newmarket酒吧界的常客.  提供梦幻般的菜单和令人眼花缭乱的饮料选择, 这是一个晚上出去玩的好地方, 或者只是某个地方 ...

Doolan Brothers Ellerslie

充满活力的爱尔兰酒吧在埃勒斯利的心脏. Casual dining and wide selection of drinks, with great craic, and regular live music (weekends). 是晚上和周末闲逛的好地方. Doolan Brothers Ellerslie是该地区最受欢迎的酒吧之一. 散发着传统的爱尔兰气息, 工作人员热情友好, 厨师以其令人垂涎的本地菜单和...


Doolan Brothers is a traditional English pub situated in the Auckland suburb of Botany Downs. The spacious and friendly pub offers a menu packed full of wholesome tasty dishes that you'd expect to feature in an English pub menu. 全天菜单的主打是香肠和土豆泥, 今日咖喱饭, 烤牛肉和约克郡布丁, 炸鱼薯条和许多经典菜肴. 六点以后, ...











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